Working with Databases [Spring Basics-5]
Spring JDBC, JPA, and Spring Data JPA
Table of contents
In this post, we will be working on an in-memory database(H2). Alternatively any other database can be used, with only few changes to application[dot]properties and pom[dot]xml file.
In order to use H2, add following properties.
Add these properties in
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:mem:testdb spring.h2.console.enabled=true
Create schema.sql in resources.We can add bunch of queries like table creation(not required when using JPA). This will run as soon as application loads.
Complete code - Github Repo.
Spring JDBC
- JdbcTemplate class is provided by spring to make working with JDBC easier
- BeanPropertyRowMapper is used when our Entity class has same structure as table
- query function is used for Reading data
JdbcTemplate ob;
// Person is a class
ob.query("Select * from person",new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Person>(Person.class))
// If single Object is being returned
ob.queryForObject("Select * from person where id=?", new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Person>(Person.class), new Object[] {id}); // 3rd parameter(new Object) is used to put values in PreparedStatement
- update function is used for Insert,Update & Delete
ob.update("DELETE FROM person WHERE id=?", new Object[] {id});
- Custom RowMapper Custom Rowmapper is used when data coming from table does'nt match with our bean
// Custom RowMapper can be used in place of BeanProperyRowMapper
class PersonRowMapper implements RowMapper<Person>{
public Person mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
Person p = new Person();
return p;
JPA(Java Persistence API)
- Writing queries becomes complex in JDBC. So instead of mapping queries, why not map Entity to row in the table.
- JPA is a interface, hibernate(ORM framework) is a framework that implements JPA
We do not need to use schema.sql to create table while using JPA, Table is automatically created on defining Entity.
Entity class
public class Person {
int id;
String name;
// Constructor,Getters,Setters
- PersonJpaRepository
public class PersonJpaRepository{
@PersistenceContext // All operations in session are stored in it
EntityManager em; // Manages entities, it is interface to persistenceContext
public Person findById(int id) {
return em.find(Person.class, id);
//Insert and update, both are done by merge
public Person insertOrUpdate(Person p) {
return entityManager.merge(p);
Spring Data JPA
- Makes working with JPA even easier. Just define a interface extending JpaRepository class.
//1st arg class, 2nd arg type of Primary key
public interface PersonSpringDataRepository extends JpaRepository<Person,Integer>{
Now we can @Autowired it in Main application and use methods like save, findById, findAll
References - Spring Master Class
Article by - Arjit Sharma