Junit & Mockito [Spring Basics-4]
- JUnit is a unit testing framework for Java and can be used for automation testing in CI/CD pipeline.
- Junit methods - assertTrue(condn),assertFalse(condn),assertEquals(expected,actual),assertNull(),assertArrayEquals(expected,actual)
- Junit annotations - @Test,@Before(runs before every test),@After,@BeforeClass,@AfterClass.
Example of JUnit
class sampleTest {
void test_for_both_positive() {
sample s = new sample(); // we wanna test sample class's add method
- How to test a piece of code without implementing and testing its dependencies.
- Without mockito we will have to create a stub, but problem is for different cases we have to create different stubs hence Mockito is used.
- Annotations provided are @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class), @Mock, @InjectMocks
- Before looking at example, lets take a look at mocking a class's function without annotations. Suppose class A's AFunc is dependant on B(It has a function BFunc). Now instead of creating a stub(fake function within B) we can mock it using Mockito.
void Test(){
B bmock = mock(B.class);
when(bmock.BFunc()).thenReturn(new String("Hello")); //when this function is called return this value
A a = new A(bmock); // injecting using constructor injection
String result = a.AFunc();
Example of Mockito -
We have Data which is dependent on DataService, so we mock DataService.
public class Data {
public DataService dataService;
public Data(DataService dataService){
public int findGreatest() {
int[] data = dataService.retrieveAllData();
int greatest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(int i: data)
greatest = Math.max(greatest, i);
return greatest;
public interface DataService {
int[] retrieveAllData();
class test_Data {
DataService dataservicemock;
Data ob;
void test1() {
when(dataservicemock.retrieveAllData()).thenReturn(new int[] {20,40,2,19});
int res = ob.findGreatest();